Daily Rounds
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In today’s Daily Rounds, Dr. Beth discusses the importance of taking nasal planum changes seriously.


Author Spotlight

Douglas Mader photo

If something small is missed during the physical examination, it can complicate later diagnostic problem solving.

Douglas Mader
DVM, MS, DABVP (Canine & Feline Practice), DABVP (Reptile & Amphibian), DECZM (Herpetology)

Nathalie Rademacher photo

Differentiation between mechanical and functional ileus may be impossible because of overlapping radiographic findings.

Nathalie Rademacher
Dr. med. vet., DECVDI, DACVR

Tip of the day

Oral doses of clindamycin should be administered with food or a water bolus as it can cause esophageal injuries.

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