More of the essential Clinician’s Brief insights you love, at home or on the go
When an allergic patient is facing a flare, what’s the best course of action? Listen in as dermatologist Anthea Schick shares practical advice for managing atopic disease in the general practice setting.
Today's Highlights
Dr. Seitz breaks down the key techniques for obtaining high-quality diagnostic samples, compares fine-needle aspiration with the nonaspirate (woodpecker) technique, and shares best practices for ensuring sample quality. He also covers potential complications, sedation protocols, and how to effectively communicate procedural risks and benefits with pet owners.
Leadership in the veterinary industry comes in many forms. Tune in to this Partner Podcast episode as we explore what it means to be a leader and get practical tips for reaching your full potential.
Clinical Conversations
Listen to the conversations behind the content with host Alyssa Watson, DVM, and the authors of your favorite Clinician’s Brief articles.
Dr. Pye covers all the essential background for cutaneous lymphoma, which can mimic many other skin diseases. She also gives practical tips for performing skin biopsies, runs through treatment options, and even negotiates the challenging terminology connected to this disease.
Dr. Jenkins starts with a feline diabetes mellitus refresher, including the comparison between it and type I/type II diabetes in humans. She then details the major new things for diabetic cats: SGLT2 inhibitors, longer-acting insulins, and continuous glucose monitors.
Dr. Thomovsky highlights the importance of recognizing early signs of obstruction, performing prompt physical examinations, and managing associated electrolyte imbalances, including the emergency treatment of hyperkalemia. She also outlines effective analgesia protocols and emphasizes the value of tailored treatment plans and recurrence monitoring, sharing practical tips for general practitioners on the front lines of care.
Veterinary Breakroom
Join practicing veterinarians and podcast hosts Alyssa Watson, DVM, and Beth Molleson, DVM, in the breakroom—where talk gets real about issues affecting vet med today.
You never know what will walk through the door in general practice. In this episode, Dr. Alyssa and Dr. Katie reflect on some of their recent zebra cases, sharing challenges, surprises, and key takeaways—plus a few practical tools you just might find useful in your own practice.
More and more veterinary professionals are embracing a spectrum of care approach–that is, the philosophy that “best medicine” means the care that best fits the pet and family in front of us, even if it’s not the most advanced care available. But, how do we do that without feeling even more vulnerable to lawsuits, board complaints, and angry online reviews?
Partner Podcast
Listen as host Beth Molleson, DVM, talks with industry leaders about relevant clinic topics in veterinary medicine.
Dr. Stacie Summers is here to share updated strategies involving caring for feline CKD patients. Tune in to this podcast episode as she breaks down what general practitioners need to know about the role of uremic toxins in CKD and how to fight back.
What exactly does the veterinary practitioner need to understand about the microbiome? How can the microbiome be manipulated for improvement of clinical signs? Listen in as Dr. Jenessa Winston offers practical advice and up-to-date strategies for combating GI disease.
An oral option has entered the world of feline diabetes: SGLT2 inhibitors. Don’t miss this conversation with internist Dr. Jocelyn Mott as she covers everything you need to know about patient selection, monitoring, and more when it comes to using this exciting treatment option.
Meet the podcast hosts

Alyssa Watson, DVM
Located near Las Vegas, Nevada, Dr. Alyssa Watson earned her DVM from Iowa State University in 2003. In addition to her role as Interactive Medical Editor at VetMedux, she practices at a small animal clinic as well as in-home veterinary hospice end-of-life care.

Beth Molleson, DVM
A native Ohioan, Dr. Beth Molleson earned her DVM from The Ohio State University in 2011. In addition to her role as Brief Studio’s Veterinary Officer at VetMedux, she practices in the Cincinnati area as a relief veterinarian.