General Practice Skills

We’re proud to present General Practitioner Skills, an educational program to help you hone skills critical for every general practitioner.

Being an excellent veterinary diagnostician depends on a solid foundation in the basics: the critical skills we use daily to identify a patient’s core problems, narrow down potential causes, and propose a path forward for both the pet and owner.

These skills are not ones that are ever truly mastered, but instead are refined through daily practice and being open to adapting as new information is acquired.

We’re proud to present General Practitioner Skills, an educational program to help you hone skills critical for every general practitioner.

Throughout 2024, we’ll be tackling history-taking, making a master problem list, compiling differentials, and utilizing heuristics/patterns, each with an interactive feature that will take your diagnostic acumen to the next level, no matter where you are in your career.

The first two installments in this series are available now. Take yourself back to the basics of history-taking and making problem lists with the challenges below.

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Obtaining a comprehensive patient history is just as important as physical examination skills when it comes to optimizing patient care. Brush up on important history taking techniques and test your knowledge when it comes to anamnesis.

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Generating and maintaining problem lists not only helps streamline the diagnostic process but also facilitates transfer of care when needed. This interactive feature will hone your skills at creating a problem list that sets you on the correct diagnostic path.