Free Resource for Early-Career Veterinarians: Register Here

From your first difficult client to your first surprise finding, all the firsts can feel overwhelming…and that’s normal. Whether you’ll be graduating soon or are already a few years out, you don’t want to miss the hard-won wisdom contained in this e-book. Download Practical Guidance for New Veterinarians and step into practice with confidence.

What You'll Get

In addition to clear guidance on essential clinical skills, you’ll receive invaluable first-day advice and encouragement from seasoned veterinary professionals, each cheering you on as you pursue your calling in veterinary medicine.

Guides to cornerstone skills you’ll want to keep:

  • Image-based refreshers on physical examination and abdominal palpation

  • Step-by-step guides to fundic examinations and neurological examinations

  • Treatment approaches to canine aural hematoma 

  • The ABCs of fluid therapy: How to choose the correct fluid type and calculate fluid rates

Use Plumb’s™ to take your practice further

From the team that brings you Clinican’s Brief, extend your knowledge with everything from diagnostic and treatment guidance to reliable drug information and pet owner education. Plumb's™ is the easy-to-use tool you can rely on to find the best path forward for every patient.

Drug Monographs

Interaction Checker

Drug Handouts

Dx & Tx




Clinical Handouts