Podcast: Recognizing & Rejecting Poor Advice

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Welcome to the Veterinary Breakroom! In the breakroom, Alyssa Watson, DVM, Beth Molleson, DVM, and Katie Berlin, DVM, discuss the important, relevant topics affecting veterinarians today. In this episode, Drs. Alyssa, Beth, and Katie take a trip down memory lane to reflect on the impact of advice they were given early in their careers. They share some of the worst advice they encountered and how they realized it should have been ignored from the start. Listen in and see if you’ve also received any of this bad advice.


Episode Transcript

This podcast recording represents the opinions of Dr. Watson, Dr. Molleson, and Dr. Berlin. Content, including the transcript, is presented for discussion purposes and should not be taken as medical advice. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the podcast. The transcript—which was prepared with the assistance of artificial intelligence—is provided as a service to our audience.

Dr. Alyssa [00:00:10] Hi, everybody. I'm Dr. Alyssa Watson.

Dr. Beth [00:00:14] I'm Dr. Beth Molleson.

Dr. Katie [00:00:16] And, I'm Dr. Katie Berlin.

Dr. Alyssa [00:00:18] Thanks for joining us again in the Veterinary Breakroom. In the Breakroom, these are short conversations where we talk just informally chat about relevant topics, things that are going on in vet med today. And, it is graduation season right now. And, my colleagues and I were reminiscing a little bit on our first couple of years in practice, and we were actually talking about some bad advice that we had gotten. And as we had gone through this conversation, we thought this might be a fun thing to kind of share on the podcast and maybe even solicit some other people's reactions, some bad advice that they had maybe gotten early on in their careers, and talk about why we didn't feel like that was a good fit for us and for practicing. So, Dr. Katie, you actually had kind of kicked this off with some bad advice that you had gotten early on in practice. Did you want to share that with us?

Dr. Katie [00:01:15] Yes, thank you. I, I'm really a big fan of this question. I feel like in job interviews I've been asked, like, what's the best advice and worst advice you've ever gotten? Which is actually really hard to answer on the spot. But you also kind of know bad advice when you think about it. Now, looking back, with some years under our belt, I think it's a lot easier to see what was bad advice. So hopefully we can avoid some of that for newer graduates as they go into the workforce. And one of the big things that I feel really strongly about in practice is being authentic, being yourself, like, you know, communicating and being as transparent as possible, obviously while being professional. And I remember my first year in practice, it was probably the first couple months I was in practice. We had a big multi-doctor practice and a lot of really good LVTs who were helping us. It was New York state, so we had a lot of licensed technicians, and they were fantastic. And basically ran the place. And, there was one day I remember where it was lunchtime and we had like a couple hours over lunch time to work on cases and do inpatient treatments and stuff like that. And I had a couple of cases in the hospital, and I was still trying to figure out how to treat one patient at a time and having multiple ones going at the same time was a lot for me, or at least that day it was. And I remember looking at one of the LVTs and saying, I am just really overwhelmed right now. And she looked at me and she's like, okay, hot tip, don't ever tell us that you're feeling overwhelmed. And it was kind of the implication of it was like, because we're going to eat you alive. Like, yeah, you should just not let on if you're feeling that way, like fake it til you make it. And, I remember being totally taken aback and also thinking like, okay, this is not a safe space to be myself or to admit when I need help. And I carried that with me for a while, and I feel like that is that was damaging to me. And I want new graduates to know that it's okay to say you need help or to say you need to take a minute or say, like, this is a lot for me right now. Like is is it possible for somebody to to help me? I think that's really important. And you will learn to manage more at a time. But, for your first few months in practice, you're going to feel overwhelmed sometimes. That's totally normal. And it's not a bad word.

Dr. Alyssa [00:03:48] I think even more than just your few your first few months. There's a time, I'm 20 years out, and there's still times that I feel overwhelmed. Yeah. It's so funny, you said that fake it til you make it, and that was one of my my bad advice tips or, you know, one of the things that was told to me early on as well. That and kind of as an extension of that, like don't, don't tell clients if you don't know something, or don't let on that you don't know, you always have to be the most knowledgeable person in the room. And I, I have a story. This this client came in and she was a nurse practitioner, and she was talking to me about her cat and going through this whole history. And she knew that I was, you know, a young vet a newer graduate, I think I'd only been out a year, and I looked very young when I first started practicing. Like people would ask me to see my license all the time, all the time. And so she knew that, that I was not very experienced. And I think she was kind of testing me a little bit, too. And she kept talking about her cat, and she kept saying, you know, well, my cat has PKD and like, you know what that is, right? And, and I had, you know, had this advice to not let on. And my brain is like, I remember it was so funny because my, my brain was like PKD, PKD, like pyruvate kinase deficiency? Like what? And and my whole the whole time, I couldn't even listen to her because all I was doing was running through like, what are the different acronyms for PKD that cats can get. And I wish looking back at at that moment with me that I had just said, like, what are you talking about? There are a lot of things that have the initials PKD that your cat could have. So.

Dr. Beth [00:05:51] So that's always one of my pet peeves is people who use acronyms and just expect you to know what they are. But I think, you know, the theme of of the bad advice almost seems to be like, I think now as a more experienced general practitioner, it's so much easier to feel like you can openly let on that you're overwhelmed, or you can admit that you don't know what you're doing. So even just hearing this bad advice makes me feel for myself as a new grad, all of us as new grads. Because it's just, yeah, it's so, so much harder to kind of show that weakness. And I do think a lot of the bad advice we talk about kind of has that theme to it. I know one of my pieces of bad advice that I received is in in similar vein was don't turn pets away, which I certainly, you know, I feel like in my the practice that I practiced at coming out of graduation, we were certainly encouraged to see a high volume of pets. And I, Katie, it's very similar to your advice, like, don't let on that you're overwhelmed. You know, you can always see one more pet. And it took years and years of me practicing to realize, like, that's bad advice. You know, my quality of medicine is going to go down. The quality of care these pets get. Not to mention my well-being like that is not sound advice that you can always see one more pet. But I feel like that was a little bit of the the environment of vet med when I graduated.

Dr. Katie [00:07:16] Yeah, that's so true. I've had I think we've all probably at some point had that advice at one job or another that we can always just see one more pet. And, like maybe one more pet isn't that big a deal. Or maybe it turns out to be a disaster case that like derails your entire day and evening. And we also like, I don't remember ever getting any advice one way or another about the effect that something like that would have on the support team either. And I remember I worked at a practice where it was pretty much kind of conventional for at least a couple of the doctors to see whatever called, and they would not they would try not to turn anything away. And that could include doing a surgery at 9 p.m. that could have been referred to emergency or could have potentially even waited. But, the team members didn't speak up about it because if you care about pets, you see another one and you just do what needs to be done. But the next day they'd all be exhausted because they were there until late and then have to come in really early to start their next shift, and that's not really fair to them. You know, they probably weren't asked. So, it definitely is, the bad advice has reverberations, I think. It's important to remember too, like maybe you could see one more case, but can everybody else.

Dr. Beth [00:08:35] Yes, I mean, I think of that as a new grad, like at 26 when I didn't have as much, you know, outside of work responsibilities. And, yeah, you know, the, the person calling or the receptionist would come ask you if you could see one more pet and you'd graciously, oh, yes, I can, but you're not thinking about the other employees who have kids to pick up and things like that. And. Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Dr. Alyssa [00:09:00] I think I've seen that, an extension of that, where the support staff won't starts not going to that doctor and or kind of gatekeeping. And that can turn into an issue too, where there's lack of communication between the staff. And so being able to just be open about that. Yeah. Have a group huddle and say, hey, you know, can we can we fit this other one in? Check in with your team because sometimes they've got a lot going on that I'm that's off my radar, you know, that that surgical case is done. I've written my surgery report, but I'm not thinking about the fact that they still have to fill the meds to go home, and they still have to go over discharge instructions. You know that that case is over for me, but it might not be over for everybody else in the hospital.

Dr. Katie [00:09:50] Yeah, definitely. We had a lot of people respond with answers when we asked on Facebook and Instagram about bad advice that they'd gotten. We had a lot of good answers, and we've talked about some of them, like, I know the don't say you don't know things and don't refer cases that you could treat in house like that's sort of related to what we were talking about. Alyssa, did you have a favorite among any of those answers?

Dr. Alyssa [00:10:19] So there was somebody that had put down that they were told not to show any emotion or cry at a euthanasia. And, you know, that that was I found that so sad. And I'm so sad that that person got that piece of advice because, you know, we carry a lot of this burden. We a lot of these patients we've known because our patients have a shorter lifespan. You know, we sometimes know them from the time they're puppies and kittens until that last final goodbye. And we develop a relationship with them and with their families. And I think being it goes back to what you said, Katie, at the beginning of the episode, just being authentic and if if authentically you, you're moved you've got that emotion to to cry, that's okay. It's it's okay to cry. You know, it's funny, I was having a conversation with with somebody else about that phrase, letting your emotions get the better from you or get the better of you, and how that really has such a negative connotation to it. And and what's wrong with letting your emotions get the better of you? So that was I guess that would be a piece of advice that I think is a bad piece of advice.

Dr. Beth [00:11:45] Right, especially when those emotions are empathy and compassion for your pet owners, for sure. And like, again, I feel like so much of this is interesting because all of this bad advice, like in the context of being an experienced practitioner, it's so easy to spot it as bad advice. I just, you know, can't help thinking about going back to that more impressionable stage in practice. Which reminds me of another piece of what I would consider bad advice I got, and I wish I remembered more details of this scenario, and I'll have to see if either of you guys experienced this. But I think it was third or fourth year of vet school. We had, I think it was in an attempt to, you know, make the curriculum more well-rounded and not just clinically medically focused, we had someone come in and talk about, I don't remember the full scope of what she talked about, what I remember are the parts that I would consider bad advice. I remember her coming in and directing this at women and telling us that our clients do, in fact, really care what we look like, care how we present herself. And I specifically remember telling us her telling us that we should be wearing lipstick. I mean, like, even then, I think most of us spotted that as, like, you know, just inappropriate advice is maybe the right word. You know, and I know certainly there are studies about the way you present yourself matters and things like that, but it was just like it was like wrong time, wrong place to be telling us all to wear lipstick when we're just out here trying to, you know, save the animals of the world. And it just hit very wrong. And I've never I never wore lipstick. Ever.

Dr. Beth [00:13:24] To this day.

Dr. Alyssa [00:13:24] Because of that you've never worn...

Dr. Beth [00:13:26] And I seemed to be doing okay. Not because of that. But let's just say she I didn't take her up on her advice.

Dr. Katie [00:13:32] In spite of it, yeah.

Dr. Beth [00:13:32] Yeah, in spite of it. I was texting my friends, several of my vet friends this morning, like, does anybody remember what else she had to say? And they're like, no, I remember her, but I, you know, I only remember the lipstick portion so.

Dr. Alyssa [00:13:44] They remember the lipstick comment. That's funny. I probably say 3 or 4 times a week, whenever the animals are licking my face, which tends to happen very frequently, I'm like that's why I don't wear makeup.

Dr. Katie [00:14:02] I think one of the comments we got on social media was, was somebody told them not to wear lipstick because people wouldn't the clients wouldn't take them seriously.

Dr. Beth [00:14:09] Oh. Fascinating.

Dr. Katie [00:14:10] It just goes to show you got to just be yourself. I mean, visible tattoos is another one, right? Like I was we were required to wear sleeve sleeves to cover up any visible tattoos on our arms. I didn't have any at that point, but I do now. And I get warm, like I'm not going to wear a long sleeved shirt. And I luckily live in a very, you know, I live in a very liberal area where like people are very they don't care about tattoos at all. I do feel like maybe there are some areas where tattoos are a little bit more controversial. I don't know, but I've never experienced anybody treating me differently that I could tell, you know, after I got tattoos they could see, but time's have changed.

Dr. Alyssa [00:14:51] Yeah, I think times have changed. Yeah. Tattoos are one that, gosh, we used to talk about that all the time. All the time! We had we had meetings. I'm showing my age again, you know, cause I've been in practice 20 years. But we. Yeah. We. Yeah. Nose rings, piercings, all those...

Dr. Katie [00:15:06] Unnatural hair colors.

Dr. Alyssa [00:15:07] Unnatural hair colors, all of those things. And I think that I think that that conversation has, has moved on, you know, and those types of things have died down hopefully. Yeah, hopefully because they were stupid in my opinion.

Dr. Beth [00:15:23] Yeah. Of all the though issues we face on a daily basis that seem like we could have knocked that to a low priority.

Dr. Alyssa [00:15:30] Right?

Dr. Katie [00:15:30] Yeah.

Dr. Alyssa [00:15:36] When you're at the start of your journey in veterinary medicine, all the firsts can feel overwhelming. And that's 100% normal. We've collected advice from a range of veterinary professionals, all with different backgrounds and experiences—plus a handful of image-based, step-by-step guides for some key clinical skills, things like abdominal palpation and choosing fluid types and calculating fluid rates. Whether you'll be graduating soon or are already a few years out, you don't want to miss the hard-won wisdom and advice in our new e-book, Practical Guidance for New Veterinarians. Get first-day advice to remember in our free e-book, available for download at https://brief.vet/new-veterinarian-ebook.

Dr. Katie [00:16:22] What you were saying, Alyssa, about not showing, like, not crying during euthanasia. One of the comments that we got was that clients don't care how busy you are or how you feel, they just want you to see them on time. And some of them really do seem to just want to be in and out and like, they don't necessarily want to hear what else is going on in your day or like know about it. And that's that's their prerogative. But for the most part, I think it's a very unusual client who's going to be upset with you if they really, for running late, for instance, if they really understand what the rest of your day is like at that moment. And I may have told this story on the podcast before a while back because this, this day really stuck with me. Which was, I was seeing a rottweiler for lameness, and she looked just like my dog. I had a little rotty at the time, and she was getting older, and I was always terrified of the day that we were going to find a tumor, you know. And this was like a nine-year-old rotty who'd been limping for a few days. And of course, it turned out to be osteosarc. And we weren't expecting that at all. You know, we all had our arthritis hats on, and there was, there it was. And, I just went into that room with the owners. I was like, oh my God, I got to tell them, you know, and I cried and they cried and it was this whole thing. And, I went into my next room. It was, like an ear infection or something. And the woman was very kind of snarky with me because I was like half an hour late because I'd been crying. And then I had to, like, not cry and go in this room. And I normally don't bring the last room into the next room with me because I don't want to violate any privacy, and I don't want to derail our appointment or whatever. But in this case, I was like, I just couldn't because I was like actively crying while she was telling me this. And I was just like, I just had to deliver really bad news to somebody whose dog looked just like my dog. And I'm really sorry, but I just needed a minute to get myself together. And clearly it did not work. And she was completely different after that. I mean, how can you not be and be a fellow human, you know? So I do think that sometimes judiciously anyway, like bringing a little bit of the things that we have to deal with on a daily basis and making sure that clients know that we care about them just as much is is important and is valuable to us as professionals for feeling like we're seen.

Dr. Alyssa [00:18:53] Yeah.

Dr. Beth [00:18:54] Yeah, absolutely. It goes back to the authenticity portion of it. And sometimes that goes a lot further than any other piece of advice, I think. I certainly resonate with that, where it's like the more you can be open and human, the smoother things are going to go in practice. Which brings me a little bit to another... I know as we were having this conversation, a few of us mentioned this topic and that is to not talk about money with our clients, our pet owners. And I know for me, I followed that pretty strictly for years. And I think it seems, at least from my vantage point in the profession, that narrative seems to be changing. And there's been more advice given now that every team, you know, the finances are such an important role of pet care, and that that's just a conversation that can't be left out of any position in the the vet clinic. And so I think that is one piece of advice that I feel like maybe made sense at the time, but over the years, I think has shown to not always be the the best advice. And in the same vein, always presenting that gold standard. When we talk about finances, we talk about spectrum of care a lot. And I know for the first several years, maybe a decade, that I practiced that wasn't even a term that we heard spectrum of care. It was you present the gold standard of care to your patient, if they have issues with it, they're going to have to be the ones to bring it up. They're going to have to bring up the cost side of things. And I think that narrative has really changed, in my opinion for the better. So that's something that now I would consider maybe questionable advice.

Dr. Katie [00:20:38] For sure.

Dr. Alyssa [00:20:40] Yep. Absolutely. The last piece of advice that I kind of wanted to touch on because it was touched on by several people, you know, that answered our question. But also it's just kind of, you know, throughout pervasive throughout everything is the customer is always right. The customer is always right mentality. And I had recently learned that that. Did you both know that that is not the full quote of that sentiment? The customer is always right. It's actually it was, you know, some entrepreneur in the early 1900s, and it's actually the customer is always right in matters of taste. And the nuance behind it is that if somebody wants something and you think it's ugly or stupid. That you sell it to them, you know. It's not the fact that like that, that it's been turned into, I think, a way for employees, not just in the veterinary profession, you know, throughout society feel like they, you know, are being taken advantage of or that they have to just sit and take it if if people are abusing them. And that is not what that quote was meant for. And I found that so fascinating.

Dr. Katie [00:22:03] Wow. That's really... I'm going to whip that piece of knowledge out like on a regular basis now because like I've always hated that saying.

Dr. Alyssa [00:22:13] Exactly. But when you think about it in that, yeah, if you think about it in that context, sure. Yeah. The customer is always right. If you want to put, you know, ketchup on your pancakes, fine. Here's the ketchup. But that doesn't mean that, you know, you can come in and berate the staff or scream at us if we're behind or something like that. That's not what the customer is always right means.

Dr. Katie [00:22:39] You know, I, I do think there are situations in our, our industry like we have a lot of gray area there because we are, for better or for worse, customer service industry. But we're also a medical industry, and we're, you know, an industry that's full of emotions and like high emotions and a lot of really difficult decisions. And that gray area there, sometimes the customer is right, and we may not be necessarily in the frame of mind to look at it that way. And then other like, for instance, if a client, one of the, the comments we got on the post that where we asked about bad advice, somebody said, oh, I was told owners don't want to spend money on diagnostics, but that that turned out not to be true. They they'll do them if you explain to them the why. And the fact is that some of them just won't like some clients just won't. And it might be a money issue, it might be a philosophy issue, it might be that they have stuff going on that is just not making making them incapable of making that decision at that time. We don't know. You know, most of the time we just don't even know. And I do think that sometimes we view this as a failure of them to care. And it's really just that they in this case, sometimes it's sort of a matter of taste, like we think it should be only a question of what is absolutely best for the pet, but for that family, maybe pursuing that course of treatment of diagnostics and treatment might not be right for them. And determining what is taste in this case is tricky, I think.

Dr. Alyssa [00:24:20] Yeah. That's, you know, just that's a really interesting way to look at it, you know. And that, that, extending a conversation about when, when clients ask you, you know, well, what would you do if your pet, if it was your pet and saying, you know, well, I don't know what I would do. I had this incredible conversation with a behaviorist Dr. Chris Pachel about that question. And, you know, he was very honest with me, and he's very honest with his clients about, I don't know what I would do because I'm not you. And that's okay. You know, I don't have the same relationship with your pet that you have. And I don't have the same family as you have, and I don't live in the same house. And when you think about it from that perspective, you know, it it really makes sense that you can't give that advice. You can't say, you know, what would you do in this situation because you're not in that situation. And and believe me, over my life, I've had times where I thought I would do one thing, and then when presented in that actual scenario, I have done the absolute opposite. And so. So it's hard to know. It's hard to know what you would do.

Dr. Katie [00:25:40] Yeah, and everybody should listen to that episode if you haven't go back and listen. Because that is a a great conversation and such a good point. That's a piece of advice I think many of us got was which was not to answer that question when clients ask you. And I, for a while, went through a sort of rebellious phase where I was like, well, who says, like, I'm going to tell them what I would do! But you're right. Because like you, maybe it seems like a no brainer that like, you would pay for that medication or you would do that test, but you don't know what their budget looks like, or their ability to give the medication at home, or what their spouse is going to say when they come home having spent money on this thing, like, you just don't know any of those circumstances in the vast majority of cases. And so it probably is better not to answer for most things because you don't want to steer somebody wrong.

Dr. Beth [00:26:34] Right. There's an infinite amount of nuance in almost every decision that pet owners make.

Dr. Katie [00:26:40] Yeah.

Dr. Alyssa [00:26:41] Well, you guys, does anybody have any more pieces of bad advice or are we ready to wrap it up?

Dr. Katie [00:26:50] I mean, we definitely got some good, some really good comments. So, everybody can see those if they if they want to head over to our Facebook page and look at that post. But I mean, we got some medical bad advice like don't give pain medication. We got some bad advice which was to write up charts after your appointments were all finished. And like, that's why we're all going home two hours late, right?

Dr. Beth [00:27:14] Oh, don't refer cases. We didn't even touch on that one, but that was another interesting one.

Dr. Katie [00:27:20] Yeah. We had one technician. Yeah. You're right about that. I definitely have gotten that advice quite recently. So some of this advice is career-long bad advice. I particularly liked that we had one technician. I mean, I didn't like it. It was horrible. But, I mean, I was glad that we had a technician write in and say that they got advice that was basically that your degree doesn't matter. And, you know, I'm assuming this is a credential technician saying like, your credential doesn't really mean anything. And that makes me really sad. But I'm also glad that this tech realized that that's bad advice and that you can be places where your degree matters and your credentials mean something, and you can practice at a level that you that you can't in a lot of places without those credentials. So and you deserve respect and compensation for that. So.

Dr. Beth [00:28:18] Yeah. I suspect technicians are victims of a lot of bad advice. So we could do a whole other episode talking about that.

Dr. Katie [00:28:25] Yes, we should have a technician on to talk about that.

Dr. Alyssa [00:28:28] Yes we should. That would be great. Well, I guess that will bring us then to our wins. Does everybody have wins this week?

Dr. Beth [00:28:42] I think so.

Dr. Katie [00:28:43] Yeah.

Dr. Beth [00:28:43] Go ahead, Katie.

Dr. Katie [00:28:45] Well, I don't have a clinical win because I haven't been in the clinic for a couple weeks. But I have a personal win, which was that I took some time off for my birthday, and I went to San Francisco for a long weekend. Just for fun to hang out with a really wonderful friend. And, I learned how to do things like use a circular saw. So thank you, Carrie, for teaching me how to use a circular saw. And I'll probably never do it again because it was terrifying. But I guess if you can do surgery, you can use a circular saw. And and I have now done that. But it's fun to learn a new thing, and then you can say you tried it.

Dr. Beth [00:29:23] What a wild vacation, Katie.

Dr. Katie [00:29:26] Yeah, well, she does metalworking.

Dr. Beth [00:29:29] Okay.

Dr. Katie [00:29:29] Yes. So, she has a metalworking shop attached to her house. So, I, I got to weld some pieces of metal together for a sculpture they're building. So that was pretty fun.

Dr. Alyssa [00:29:41] Fun. All right. What about you, Beth? What was your win?

Dr. Beth [00:29:46] My win is going to be that we are, this is this is tough. That we are we're wrapping up the school year. That's going to be my win. I have a kiddo who's in kindergarten. And she finished her school year successfully. My bigger, maybe my bigger win should be that she, we wrapped up her soccer season, which she was refusing to play in for the first half of the season, and she finally started playing in soccer. So my win is going to be the whole school year. She kind of continued to come out of her shell. And, what started off a little bit rocky wound up going smoothly. And as any parent out there listening knows, that is no, no bigger win than that. So that's going to be my win today. What about you, Alyssa?

Dr. Alyssa [00:30:31] Well, I actually I have a clinical win this week, so I'm going to bring it back in to back into something clinical. So I actually I hit a dorsal pedal vein on a cat last week, which I was like, woohoo! Any of you at home if you guys have not discovered the dorsal pedal vein, it is the coolest vein there is. And so I know some of you may not know, but I do some in-home euthanasia and hospice work, and normally for cats, I do intraorgan injection when we're saying goodbye. But I had a cat that was over 20 pounds and also and then that was down in weight for the cat. This was a hugely obese cat, but also was very edematous definitely had peritoneal effusion. And so I was really worried about palpating my landmarks and even and you know, sometimes I'll even go intraperitoneal. But with all that fluid in there, I just, I wasn't I was really worried about it. And so I had was able to position the cat to, to and I looked at, you know, the medial saphenous in the cat, and it just, I wasn't seeing anything. It was just all swollen. And so I moved down. And that dorsal pedal on the back leg, it's just it lies right, like right along the top of the paw. And I hit it first time and I was it was awesome. So that was my win.

Dr. Beth [00:32:07] So there's no better feeling than hitting that vein, hitting any vein.

Dr. Katie [00:32:11] That's amazing.

Dr. Alyssa [00:32:11] Yeah, hitting anything but that vein in particular, you know, in a cat, I'd never tried it in a cat before. I use it in the dog all the time, so keep that one in your back pocket.

Dr. Beth [00:32:21] I'll say I like ending this episode on a piece of good advice. So thank you, Alyssa.

Dr. Katie [00:32:26] Yeah, that's really helpful. I've never tried to hit that vein, but, you know, in urgent care, like, sometimes you you gotta, you gotta improvise, and I will remember that. Thank you. That's good advice.

Dr. Alyssa [00:32:37] Yeah, you're very welcome. Well, I hope everybody enjoyed our conversation today. Maybe thought about some advice that you had gotten early on in your career that, you know, was bad advice and you're able to move past it.


  • podcast@vetmedux.com

Where To Find Us:

The Team:

  • Alyssa Watson, DVM - Host

  • Beth Molleson, DVM - Host

  • Katie Berlin, DVM - Host

  • Alexis Ussery - Producer & Multimedia Specialist

Disclaimer: This podcast recording represents the opinions of Dr. Alyssa Watson, Dr. Beth Molleson, and Dr. Katie Berlin. Content is presented for discussion purposes and should not be taken as medical advice. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the podcast.