Podcast: Ocular Consequences of Systemic Hypertension with Dr. Brown

Michael H. Brown, DVM, MS, DACVO, Veterinary Ophthalmology Services, Mosaic Animal Health, Madison, New Jersey

AudioJanuary 2023Listen

In this episode, host Alyssa Watson, DVM, talks with Michael H. Brown, DVM, MS, DACVO, about his recent Clinician’s Brief article, “Top 5 Ocular Consequences of Systemic Hypertension.” Ocular lesions are often the first clinical sign of hypertension. Dr. Brown shares what you should look for—and how to look for it—in these cases. He highlights some of the biggest differences between cats and dogs and why antihypertensive treatment should be initiated gradually. And, don’t miss Dr. Brown’s tips for using your smartphone to capture ocular images.

About the Guest

Michael H. Brown, DVM, MS, DACVO, is president and owner of Veterinary Ophthalmology Services and a consultant staff veterinary ophthalmologist at Oradell Animal Hospital, both in Paramus, New Jersey. Dr. Brown earned his DVM from Kansas State University, where he also completed a comparative ophthalmology residency and earned his MS. He completed a small animal internship at The Animal Medical Center in New York, New York. Dr. Brown has written numerous scientific papers and lectures nationwide. His interests include diseases of the cornea, corneal surgery, intraocular surgery, diseases of the retina, laboratory animal ophthalmology, ophthalmic photography, and the role of oxidative stress and nutrition on diseases of the eye.

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  • Podcast@briefmedia.com

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The Team:

  • Alyssa Watson, DVM - Host

  • Alexis Ussery - Producer & Digital Content Coordinator

  • Randall Stupka - Podcast Production & Sound Editing