Neonatal Mortality in Dogs Following Cesarean Section

Marie Burneko, VMD, DACVS-SA, University of Pennsylvania 

ArticleLast Updated February 20232 min read

In the Literature

Adams DJ, Ellerbrock RE, Wallace ML, Schmiedt CW, Sutherland BJ, Grimes JA. Risk factors for neonatal mortality prior to hospital discharge in brachycephalic and nonbrachycephalic dogs undergoing cesarean section. Vet Surg. 2022;51(7):1052-1060. doi:10.1111/vsu.13868

The Research … 

Neonatal mortality rate following cesarean section in dogs is 2% to 8%, with some studies reporting brachycephalic breeds are at higher risk.1,2 Additional risk factors include increased anesthesia time, obstructive dystocia, emergency cesarean section, and increased dam age.3 It is therefore important to improve methods for neonatal survival following cesarean section.3 

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