Significance of Subclinical Heart Murmurs in Cats

Nancy J. Laste, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology), Bulger Veterinary Hospital, Lawrence, Massachusetts

ArticleLast Updated May 20222 min read
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In the Literature

Franchini A, Abbott JA, Lahmers S, Erikkson A. Clinical characteristics of cats referred for evaluation of subclinical cardiac murmurs. J Feline Med Surg. 2021;23(8):708-714.

The Research …

Subclinical cardiac murmurs have a reported prevalence of 15.5% to 34% in cats.1,2 Benign heart murmurs (ie, not associated with structural heart disease on echocardiography) are relatively common.1,2 Echocardiography remains the gold standard to evaluate for cardiac disease.

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