Enteral Nutrition: Step-by-Step
The first step in designing a feeding plan that incorporates esophagostomy and gastrostomy tubes is to calculate the patient’s daily resting energy requirement at current body weight (see RER Calculation). The second step is to determine how many times per day the patient will be tube-fed. After an appropriate diet is selected, it must be diluted and mixed sufficiently to form a slurry or liquefied diet.
What You Will Need
Good quality blender
Canned diet of choice
Appropriate-sized feeding tube
Catheter-tip syringe
Storage container
Step 1.
Place the desired amount of diet in a blender. Add enough water to form the appropriate consistency needed for tube administration. Blend on high speed for 2–3 minutes.
ALLISON WARA, DVM, is a second-year small animal clinical nutrition resident at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Wara's research interests include feline diabetes, clinical nutrition, and obesity in companion animals. After earning her BS from University of Guelph, Dr. Wara earned her DVM at Atlantic Veterinary College at University of Prince Edward Island.
CRAIG DATZ, DVM, MS, DABVP, DACVN, is adjunct associate professor at University of Missouri. He is also the Nutrition and Scientific Affairs Manager of Royal Canin USA. Dr. Datz has spoken at a number of CE conferences, including the NAVC Conference, and is a consultant for the Veterinary Information Network (VIN) in parasitology, immunology, and infectious disease.