Differential Diagnosis: Lymphopenia
Julie Allen, BVMS, MS, MRCVS, DACVIM (SAIM), DACVP (Clinical), Durham, North Carolina
ArticleLast Updated August 20201 min readPeer Reviewed
Following are differential diagnoses for patients presented with lymphopenia.
Acute infection, particularly viral
Cytotoxic or immunosuppressive drug (eg, chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide)
Destruction/disruption of lymphoid tissue (eg, multicentric lymphoma)
Immunodeficiency (rare; eg, severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome in basset hounds, Cardigan Welsh corgis, Jack Russell terriers, Frisian water dogs)
Increased exposure to endogenous corticosteroids
Acute illness
Stress (eg, surgery)
Increased exposure to exogenous corticosteroids
Steroid therapy
Contact with steroid creams in household
Loss of lymphocytes (eg, into intestinal tract with lymphangiectasia, into pleural cavity with chylothorax)
Whole body irradiation