Daily Rounds
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Medication and preventive sales can be a significant part of a veterinary clinic’s revenue, but online pharmacies continue to be popular. This recent survey asked pet owners what factors impact where they fill prescriptions.


Author Spotlight

Elizabeth Jeanne Colleran photo

Understanding appropriate antimicrobial use is a key component of antimicrobial stewardship.

Elizabeth Jeanne Colleran
DVM, MS, DABVP (Feline Specialty)

Barak Benaryeh photo

The ability to touch, feel, look, and listen are skills that will keep professionals at the forefront of vet med.

Barak Benaryeh

Tip of the day

Don't forget to warn clients that methocarbamol can cause blue-green urine discoloration.

Daily Challenge
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From the team that brings you Clinican’s Brief, extend your knowledge with everything from diagnostic and treatment guidance to reliable drug information and pet owner education. Plumb's™ is the easy-to-use tool you can rely on to find the best path forward for every patient.

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