Liver Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration

Daniel VanderHart, DVM, DACVR

Clifford R. Berry, DVM, DACVR, University of Florida

ArticleLast Updated May 20141 min readPeer Reviewed
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Although ultrasonography of the liver can be sensitive for detecting hepatic disease, actual sonographic changes are often nonspecific.1-3

Ultrasonographic changes (eg, diffusely increased/decreased hepatic echogenicity, heterogeneity) are considered indications for sampling (Figure 1). The sonographer needs to be skilled to ensure image optimization for accurate interpretation of hepatic echogenicity; operator error (eg, increasing/decreasing the gain setting) can impact organ echogenicity and interpretation (see Required Sonographic Skills for Fine-Needle Aspiration). Evaluation for multicentric lymphoma or mast cell disease is also an indication for general liver sampling, even in patients without ultrasonographically detectable abnormalities (Figure 2).4-6

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Figure 1A

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Figure 1A

In each of these cases, histologic diagnosis was made using fine-needle aspirates of the liver (vacuolar hepatopathy, hepatic lipidosis, acute severe neutrophilic hepatitis, respectively). Transverse image (A) of the left side of the liver in a normal dog showing hepatic vein (arrows) and portal vein (arrowheads). Hyperechoic liver (B) secondary to glycogen accumulation resulting from Cushing’s disease in a dog. Note the decrease in portal vascular markings. Hyperechoic and hyperattenuating liver (C) secondary to hepatic lipidosis in a cat. Note the hypoechoic falciform fat in the near field (≤1.5 cm deep) relative to liver echogenicity. In addition, there are some contact artifacts resulting in hyperechoic lines as well as the normal lines of abdominal musculature in the extreme near field (<0.5 cm). In normal cats, falciform fat and hepatic echogenicity are isoechoic to each other. In the far field, hyperattenuation of the ultrasound beam results in image dropout (starting at a depth of 3.5 cm). Hypoechoic liver (D) secondary to acute hepatitis in a dog. Note the marked decrease in echogenicity relative to the spleen.

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Figure 2A

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Figure 2A

Liver with normal parenchymal echogenicity in a dog (A); however, cytologic examination via fine-needle aspirate showed diffuse infiltration of malignant mast cells. Liver with normal ultrasonographic appearance in a cat (B); however, cytologic examination via fine-needle aspirate showed diffuse infiltration with lymphoblasts indicative of lymphoma.

Sample evaluation of focal lesions is often recommended as these lesions can have multiple sonographic appearances: anechoic, hypoechoic, hyperechoic, or mixed echogenicity (Figure 3). Specific differentials for focal hepatic lesions should not be determined solely on ultrasound abnormalities, given the sonographic variation.1 Cytology should be considered a screening tool because its agreement with histopathologic diagnosis of various liver diseases is reportedly 30.3% in dogs and 51.2% in cats.7 Inflammatory hepatic diseases were diagnosed in only 5 of 20 dogs and 3 of 11 cats in one study7; cases of hepatitis may be missed on cytology.

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Figure 3A

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Figure 3A

Focal hepatic lesions demonstrating multiple appearances on ultrasound: Hypoechoic nodule representing nodular regeneration in a dog (A). Hyperechoic nodule representing metastatic carcinoma in a dog (B). Cavitated hyperechoic nodule representing benign cystadenoma in a cat (C). Mixed-echogenic nodule with target-like appearance representing metastatic sarcoma in a dog (D). Mixed-echogenic, cavitated hepatic mass representing hepatocellular carcinoma in a dog (E).Large hypoechoic mass representing histiocytic sarcoma in a dog (F). Two anechoic nodules representing benign hepatic cysts in a dog (G).